Monday, June 18, 2018

Night to Day

Go to Bed Happy, Wake Up Angry

Image result for happy in bed clipart                                    Image result for angry morning clipart

Last night, we had a great family night. My husband and I, along with our 8-year-old daughter, watched old 80s movies on YouTube. A mix of Chuck Norris, Romance, and cartoons. All was well.

Everyone was feeling a little hungry. We mosied on over to the kitchen and started "fixing up some stuff." We ended up eating scrambled eggs, white rice, and flour tortillas. (Yes, we are a mixed race family.) After eating and cleaning up, we were ready for bed.

After all the kisses and one bedtime story, our darling little girl falls asleep.

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Now, being the ever happy couple we are... We decide it is time to go to bed, also. My husband is in the bed before I can even get out of my chair. I hear him getting all comfortable while I am putting the cats out, turning off the computer and television. I hear him call out to me as I am straightening the living room up. I answer him lovingly, all the while wondering why he refuses to pick up his dirty socks from the floor. I turn and look around, all is tidy. Everything is ready for the next day. As I go around turning off lights and checking doors and windows, a thought comes into my mind.

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I go and check to see if my husband is still awake. He is fast asleep. I think I will just read a little before I turn in. So I grab my cell, with it's newly installed Kindle app, and choose what looks to be a good book. I am thoroughly enjoying the story, but my eyelids are now heavy. I close the app and put my phone on to charge, turn off the lamp and I head to bed. 

I snuggle up to my husband's back, kissing  on the neck and tell him "Goodnight." Feeling all warm and safe, I fall asleep immediately. 

Morning comes. The alarm sounds. I reach out and shut it off. I turn and lovingly inform my husband it is time to get up. 

No hug. No smile. No good morning kiss. What does this person do? He has the nerve to get angry. He asks, "Why should I get up now?" He raises his head, looks at the window and says, "It's not even morning!"

It was in fact morning. He had drawn the drapes before laying down last night. So to be fair, the window was dark.

I get up and head to the bathroom. When I return, my husband is still fast asleep. I decide to let him be. I lay down and in seconds, I am fast asleep.

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The alarm sounds again. I reach over and gently shake his arm, again. This time he throws the cover off, jumps up and goes to take a shower. Exiting the bathroom, he is agitated and angry. He gets dressed, grabs his backpack and bike and heads to work.

He didn't even say "goodbye". No kiss. No hug. No "Have a good day, dear." Nothing.

A little later, I decided to give him a call. You know, just to make sure he got there safe and sound. He answers and has the nerve to start laughing. He's telling me that his head was hurting but it had stopped with the medicine he took. I answer calmly, "That's ok, honey."

He informs me he is on his way back home. He has the day off.

He comes rolling up to the house with a big goofy smile plastered on his face. Coming inside, he rushes over and kisses me. All the while smiling and saying how he was "wrong in the head" when he left earlier.

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This is not a made up event. It really happened. This very morning. I know women deal with things like this every day. If you know someone who can relate to this, send them the link ..... make your fellow woman smile.

I hope you have a great day, and if things go a little rough, just remember................................

Image result for laughter makes you live longer

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