Sunday, June 24, 2018

It's MONDAY. . . . . . . . Again!!

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Another day, another dollar earned.

So, it's Sunday evening. We're all sitting in the living room watching a movie or the news. Everyone is dreading the next morning. School, work, errands, chores... an endless list of things we must get done.

I am sure you all can relate. 

The thing is Mondays are not that bad. I actually like them. Hubby goes off to work. Daughter goes off to school. I have a few hours to clean and fix something to eat before I start work. I call it "my 'peace' time".

It is so welcome after the weekend. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but they really get on my nerves sometimes. I mean why is it no one can "do it like Mom can?"

I do have a few rare moments when I "feel the love." OKay, let me explain that just a little bit. 

Normally, I get no "thank you", no "please". Everyone just counts on the fact that I will do 'it'. Now, 'it' can be any number of things. Washing clothes, folding and putting them away. Putting the control back in its place, because everyone always leaves it in the couch cushion cracks. 

Of the 'it' things, there are many. But I do not want to talk about that. I want to talk about the unexpected hugs, kisses, thanks, or 'I love you's. They kind of sneak up and surprise you.

Those are the moments when you are 100% positive you can Survive Marriage. It makes everything okay. It makes you do dishes with a big ol' smile on your face. It is also temporary.

Understanding is needed to survive a marriage. You must understand that we all forget to say the most basic things to those we love. We do not always say please or thank you or even I love you. 

Not all expressions of love are done with words. Actually, some of the most honest ways to tell if you are loved are to watch the actions of those who are closest to our hearts. A spouse that brings home dinner because they know you had a tough day. A child who draws you a picture, "just because". Your best friend who drops by, just to see how things are going with you.

The trick about Surviving Marriage is to not forget that we all forget. We need to be willing to forgive and let go of the faults of our families and friends. 

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Remember: Accept the love when it comes, in the form it comes. Give love with all your heart. And never forget......

Marriage is hard. It takes a lot of work and understanding. But...       

It is also beautiful.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dirty Socks.....Yuck!

Image result for dirty socks clipartDirty socks on the floor.  

Dirty socks in the bed. Dirty socks under the couch. What is up with all the dirty socks???

I am a fairly good housekeeper. I have my daily routine, like most people. Being a stay-at-home mom, I pretty much have a 24-hour routine. I will not go into the glorious details of scrubbing toilets, dusting, mopping, and picking up of it all. 

I do, however, have one pet peeve... DIRTY SOCKS. They are everywhere. They stink. And I think they multiply on their own.

My loving husband, in all his greatness, has this huge flaw of taking off his socks and sticking them here or there. 

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In the couch cushions.
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In his shoes.
 I have even found dirty socks in the kitchen. This otherwise wonderful man has some kind of evil streak. I think he gets some kind of joy out of finding new places to hide his Dirty Socks.

Now, I am sure you may be saying, "No big deal. Men are pigs. They are genetically inclined to be nasty beings." I must reply, "Oh no, this is not so. Many men are inclined to pick up after themselves. To help out in the home."

You may be able to relate. Maybe that special guy in your life does not leave dirty socks everywhere. Maybe he forgets to lower the toilet seat or to take the trash out. You may not deal with dirty socks, but something he does just works your nerves.

Image result for woman pulling her hair out cartoon Something drives you batty. Maybe it is one thing, maybe it is several. The question is, "How do I keep loving this person who is so determined to drive me crazy?"

Well, the answer is simple, actually. You love them.

Yep, that's it. I pick up dirty socks every single day. I feel frustrated, but I remind myself that I love the owner of those dirty socks. He is far from perfect, but he is mine. I am sure he deals with a habit of mine that he dislikes.

Sometimes, we start to focus on things that really do not matter in the big scale of our lives. To survive marriage, one must not do this. Do not let something insignificant get in the way of something so great.

I ask you to comment with the one thing your special person does that just gets on your nerves. Share with me and the others who read this blog. Maybe we each get a little laugh. Maybe we find out that not liking every single thing about someone so special to us, is actually quite normal.

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Happiness is made.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Night to Day

Go to Bed Happy, Wake Up Angry

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Last night, we had a great family night. My husband and I, along with our 8-year-old daughter, watched old 80s movies on YouTube. A mix of Chuck Norris, Romance, and cartoons. All was well.

Everyone was feeling a little hungry. We mosied on over to the kitchen and started "fixing up some stuff." We ended up eating scrambled eggs, white rice, and flour tortillas. (Yes, we are a mixed race family.) After eating and cleaning up, we were ready for bed.

After all the kisses and one bedtime story, our darling little girl falls asleep.

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Now, being the ever happy couple we are... We decide it is time to go to bed, also. My husband is in the bed before I can even get out of my chair. I hear him getting all comfortable while I am putting the cats out, turning off the computer and television. I hear him call out to me as I am straightening the living room up. I answer him lovingly, all the while wondering why he refuses to pick up his dirty socks from the floor. I turn and look around, all is tidy. Everything is ready for the next day. As I go around turning off lights and checking doors and windows, a thought comes into my mind.

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I go and check to see if my husband is still awake. He is fast asleep. I think I will just read a little before I turn in. So I grab my cell, with it's newly installed Kindle app, and choose what looks to be a good book. I am thoroughly enjoying the story, but my eyelids are now heavy. I close the app and put my phone on to charge, turn off the lamp and I head to bed. 

I snuggle up to my husband's back, kissing  on the neck and tell him "Goodnight." Feeling all warm and safe, I fall asleep immediately. 

Morning comes. The alarm sounds. I reach out and shut it off. I turn and lovingly inform my husband it is time to get up. 

No hug. No smile. No good morning kiss. What does this person do? He has the nerve to get angry. He asks, "Why should I get up now?" He raises his head, looks at the window and says, "It's not even morning!"

It was in fact morning. He had drawn the drapes before laying down last night. So to be fair, the window was dark.

I get up and head to the bathroom. When I return, my husband is still fast asleep. I decide to let him be. I lay down and in seconds, I am fast asleep.

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The alarm sounds again. I reach over and gently shake his arm, again. This time he throws the cover off, jumps up and goes to take a shower. Exiting the bathroom, he is agitated and angry. He gets dressed, grabs his backpack and bike and heads to work.

He didn't even say "goodbye". No kiss. No hug. No "Have a good day, dear." Nothing.

A little later, I decided to give him a call. You know, just to make sure he got there safe and sound. He answers and has the nerve to start laughing. He's telling me that his head was hurting but it had stopped with the medicine he took. I answer calmly, "That's ok, honey."

He informs me he is on his way back home. He has the day off.

He comes rolling up to the house with a big goofy smile plastered on his face. Coming inside, he rushes over and kisses me. All the while smiling and saying how he was "wrong in the head" when he left earlier.

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This is not a made up event. It really happened. This very morning. I know women deal with things like this every day. If you know someone who can relate to this, send them the link ..... make your fellow woman smile.

I hope you have a great day, and if things go a little rough, just remember................................

Image result for laughter makes you live longer

It's MONDAY. . . . . . . . Again!!

Another day, another dollar earned. So, it's Sunday evening. We're all sitting in the living room watching a movie or the new...